Thursday, March 17, 2011

Does Herpes Make Legs Itch

What could you do with a TEFL certificate?

You are brilliant, talented and generally wonderful. Mix in a TEFL certificate and you could do some pretty amazing things. Just check out what you could do with a TEFL course ... Seeing the world

There is a whole world of colors, smells, sounds and experiences out there from firecrackers echoing in the streets of Beijing Chinese New Year, the smell of street food that is spreading through markets Thai. Some people spend a fortune flying around the globe, but as an English teacher gives you the opportunity to get paid to see the world. Japan, South Korea, Mexico, China ... no matter where you go, your TEFL course will help you get there.

Challenge yourself

Have you ever looked around and thought 'It's that the ... Really? 'Well, it might be time to do something a bit' more challenging with your life.

Teaching English abroad can be full of challenges. When you're living a new life abroad, even simple things like grocery shopping can be an exciting challenge. Try it yourself and you'll experience a lot of challenges like no other ... in a good way!

experience new cultures

you ever been abroad and I felt like an outsider peering in? Not when you teach abroad will not be! TEFL is a great opportunity to live and work in a place for a extended period of time you will be welcomed into the local community, to know all its little quirks and not much will be an insider looking out <. / p>

Make a difference for students, good spoken English can be the difference between a career high flight in international business, or a frustrating life in the regional bureaucracy. Your talent and your teaching can literally transform the lives students'. And you're not just being paid in warm and fuzzy feelings. You can get good money too!

Improve your CV

Apologies for stating the obvious here, but when you're teaching English abroad you're not only going to be sitting on a beach or relax by the pool for a year. During your stint teaching abroad, you'll develop some key skills that are transferable to any job. Such as leadership, communication skills and organization. You will have an impressive resume / resume that will make you stand out from the crowd, even if you do not want to make a career of teaching. Meet new friends

When you start teaching English abroad, you will not just be thrown into the deep end and should either sink or swim. There are a lot of support available from local teachers at your school and there is usually other expats out there who know what you're going through. So not only will you have some amazing memories from your TEFL experience, you can do a lot of new friends to share it with


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