Saturday, September 25, 2010

Actress Without Bra Boob Pitcher

The invisible truth of Medjugorje

end of August. Hot dry, ventilated area. For a few hours a bit 'goes a popular rainy frescura.In a Medjugorje filled with pilgrims. For the next 2 September, is keenly awaiting the nth monthly apparition to Mirjana. But the other expectation, increasing the excitement of this latest visit, grows with the trip as the miles stretch out behind him and looking at the ribbon of asphalt running, you think you can never turn. To the land where Our Lady has decided to reveal and disclose in a diligent, now twenty-nine, her maternal love for humanity, providing the Son in every message! Medjugorje makes sense if you leave certain presumptions, daughters of the daughters of the great culture that viviamo.Tutte father proud! But every person, from all over the world brings good and bad. All! Who comes out of curiosity! Those who arrive thinking, so I go to church every day, rather they are so close to our Lord that I can teach you how to walk on your street. Who comes to us timid, introverted, he thinks it's great that I am here, what should I expect if I have already received this gift from God! And the emotion is so strong that it remains silent. Those who do not even think about it, arriving there only to accompany and gets tired, having left comforts and advantages! Medjugorje teaches the silence! Meditazione.Il the meditative silence of Etty Hillesum sterminio.Eppure in a field of all the pilgrims who come to the land, all in the diversity of world citizens, all carry something that identifies them individually and unite them in love for Maria . Whoever knowingly "feels" to be called, who arrives after a journey of prayer, sacrifice (an example is the barefoot climb the Apparition Hill, the hill of the apparitions, or Kricevac) then couple this with the soul and joy in my heart, trust in the hands of Our Lady their troubles, the tragedies that leads into the heart so that she may intercede in His beloved Son Jesus! Every pilgrim who comes to Medjugorje this item identity card. Stamps aside, that without knowledge necessary, leave the nomadic pilgrims at the border! Medjugorje then becomes a litmus test if you do not leave certain preconceptions newspapers, much like the one in use today, ie appear ephemeral. Del be seen, as stated by the people. There are different ways to be seen, an example is to help others, and apprezzabilissimo with profound admiration, but that does not become a bargaining chip or even an excuse to be seen! If you are the soul of these things, sooner or later you Medjugorje pulls out and is shocked, turned over in your own thoughts. The same as you. The writer has traveled some roads to be able to speak. But what happened? And so begins an incredible job in, all the time to beat the great horn! Everything seems upside down, until you get home, where he calmly and coolly then dissolve the fog of emotions, you begin to put things in right order. Medjugorje invites you to reflect on what you are. Medjugorje drops the "masks". Medjugorje no discounts. What are you, in your heart comes out, no matter where you go or a hundred times, each of us along a road, and at any time you can and should expect something, something, which turns out and "speak" only to you. Medjugorje brings you back to the simple, humble. When the Lady called to leave everything and go. It should be 'well in Medjugorje. With great hope. Do not go to Medjugorje, though, because you know, know, and whatever else the human mind can discern. In Medjugorje, people go to so many and how often, with a heavy heart, left for a few days known life, from which you can not get an answer if not in something, a faith of convenience! Confusion! It offended a God who wants serious and tragic situations, disease, a God of comfort, a God who seeks last-minute: where is God! Where when you need it! Yet that God gave His Son and the history is known and does not last a minute. But in life there are far to trust the other, no? In Medjugorje lies not bring your "heart", the very events in which you live your emotions! The find. Medjugorje can be a trap for those who "dressed in white" on that land comes with the "gray mood." Without realizing it! If you do not the dry heat that accompanies you, and maybe feel dispossessed by a throne "empty" and that in this case you are looking for ephemeral quick refreshment in the cool shade of a tree. And do not "feel" the deep sense in the air, that is really cool Medjugorje!

For those who live in the Church, with a capital C should be a trifle, hear or read the words of Paul. And as the writer made of flesh and blood, a sinner, unworthy of the least able to raise a look ... and then also give an opinion ... the review! This is up to Our Lord ...

instead wrote these words that a man if we are small and with so many flaws ... but honest!

St. Paul to the Galatians

6.1 to 10 Brothers,

if one is overtaken in a fault,

you that you correct it with the Spirit sweetness.

yourself and be vigilant to not fall into temptation, too.

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

if a man thinks he is something when he is nothing,

deceives himself.

each one examine his own conduct instead

and then only in itself

and not in others will find reason to boast:

each bear his own burden.

who are trained in the doctrine, part of what has to those who instructs him.

Do not be deceived, we can not make fun of God

Each will reap what you sow.

who sows in his flesh from the flesh reap corruption;

soweth in the Spirit, the Spirit reap eternal life.

not grow weary in doing good, if not in fact efforts, in due time reap our harvest.

Since then we have opportunity, let us do good to all,

especially our brothers and sisters in faith.


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