Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Does Period Blood Look Like

Annual apparition to Jakov Colo's December 25, 2010 MESSAGE

  • Medjugorje seer Jakov Colo
  • last daily apparition on September 12, 1998 Our Lady said to Jakov Colo who would have one apparition a year, December 25, Christmas. This was the case again this year. The Madonna and Child with the coming of Jesus in her arms. The apparition began at 14 and 25 and lasted 7 minutes.
  • Jakov said: "Our Lady told me about the secrets and finally said: pray, pray, pray."

    Matrix Hindi Song Name

    of December 25, 2010

    Se sapeste quanto vi amo, piangereste di gioia !

    "Dear children, today I wish to give my Son Jesus and the 'abundance of joy and peace so that each of you to be joyful witness and bearer of peace and joy in the places where you live. Little children, be blessing and peace be . Thank you for having responded to my call. "

    Wednesday, December 22, 2010

    I Have Hemorrhoids My Tailbone Is Sore

    WITNESS Mirjana - December 2010 December

    Saturday, December 18, 2010

    Japanese Bus Rape Real


    And here I am again after a long journey unworthily rest your feet on the same ground where he chose to "walk the Lady"! It 's always a different emotion every time you return to Medjugorje. Our Lady calls all His children, those who in one way in another, here they come from everywhere, each convinced that he did well to come at that time ... it's my time! Returning home we realize why at that moment!
    For further details please visit to an old post (blog archive) in September this year:
    The invisible truth of Medjugorje.
    Some thirty pilgrims, this is our group, which for the feast of the Immaculate Conception were found, unknown before, then friends, under the mantle of the Madonna. With all its burden of everyday life, the everyday made up of many weights, but of which I quoted John Paul II: Our Lord gives us no greater burden ... and what we can bring to bear! In recent days, thousands of pilgrims flocked
    functions of the parish of St. James, then bringing up there Kricevac Podbrdo and the secret hopes and expectations in the hands of Our Lady, their own suffering. Praying for those who are not present for a friend, to a world where there is peace! Medjugorje
    I think you have to live like the last day! And so whenever we go back.
    Absorb everything you can. Of course this can not happen immediately, but his time with each person metabolizes
    the days passed. The images, sounds, noises. Communities, testimonials, people. Medjugorje is not
    pass, is a 'input and will remain so for those who have the humility to bow their heads and say yes!
    Converting, recover and renew their faith as "new" pure spring water.
    It must be grateful, because this water, Our Lady, there is now giving it for years!
    not waste it!
    ************************************************* ******************************
    John XXIII's encyclical "Pacem in Terris" invitation to watch for signs of the times "from great migrations of peoples to the dignity of women, etc., those "signs of the times" are more relevant than ever in Medjugorje!
    Millions of people, migrants by faith, in search of a new land, a new Jerusalem!
    Our Lady in Medjugorje said, will end the "journey" began in Fatima.
    During these twenty-nine years has continually asked for prayers and peace between people and their conversion! This
    for peace between men and God! While you can read between the lines even when he says this is my last coming on earth, that approximate sequence of secrets, said to the visionaries. Most
    Medjugorje testify: you can not to do is come back! Other items: I would like to live here!
    But what then happens to Medjugorje? And what happens in the heart of "new" men?
    Everyone has already written his own way, even before birth. And it is the re-birth of the theme from Medjugorje
    takes home to play, the conversion of the heart, the pilgrimage is not so much that you live in those few days, but they return home, daily life, life with its many obstacles.
    Medjugorje is a sign and entrance door to a new city! A new vision of what surrounds it! A subjective view that takes heart in prayer and open to new realities collectively, to new horizons!
    Signs of the times! Humanity is facing a great hardship, just realize what is happening on our earth, earthquakes, floods, famines, mountains crumble like sand in the wind, the wind and sand as the global financial crisis that is wiping out dignity, families can no longer get along, and therefore the man who now is unable to control himself more, no brakes, morally at the lowest point ever reached by the murder consumed in the walls of the house, the suspect constant that we can annihilate with an atomic bomb, everything is connected, while the other part, that those who suffer from hunger, deaths diseases continue to speculations of those who see only their own interests in the name of scientific progress, always masked and only one thing: selfishness with a solidarity that the people would need it less, if treated with respect, but even more serious: hedonism!
    I am! You are less than nothing! And yet everything else around us to sinuous and perverse evil! But evil now penetrated more than ever in man. The simple brick, one for putting up the house, that the family is in danger today, now does not take into account the more divorces and separations. Satan is at its peak, the Lady many times he mentioned the evil that is going to give the tail strike, but so much so that the world is suffering and so, the people have not and will not have time to rectify a material whatsoever place to live with more serenity, but live their faith in various ways and consciences, which keeps them clinging to life!
    Physically, the planet is doing its course, with a difference, millions of years ago the man was not there and the
    changes of the earth, the geological ages that have followed have brought damage to a whole humanity thing Today may be, if not in the millions of years, have subverted the lives of the living context, that the animals we know today, the fossils come down to us. Nowadays, the era post-technological, faster,
    not a day goes by that there is a new product offering that makes things unthinkable the day before, now that the brain does not connect more confused as it is with great speed, and has long been lost sight of the most important things, their identity, family, loved ones, and in the confusion the man has scared! Think for a moment in the sun, which provides the information necessary for our life has taken its course, and has its own rhythms and that will come to one of its greatest and its magnetic storms, hitting the ground, cancel, shut down actually what makes us live today: electricity! From a mobile lifts, trains to everything you can imagine, everything works the same way.
    E 'already successful, documented a few years ago in Canada where millions of people were inert in the face of this "news"! But humanity today can be ready to deal with this?
    And if it only asks the writer.
    Secrets are around the corner, certainly during the life of the seers. But not this worry,
    Jesus himself states: Keep watch because you know neither the time nor the hour!
    Then continue in prayer and build each one's faith with the sincere hope of a better future for all humanity
    . The Madonna it is showing the way, and free will that Our Lord has given us, let's use it right, praying and watching for signs of these times! Let us not be found unprepared.
    What is now, was already written! So
    prayer helps us to be more relaxed when we will need to make the right decisions in the name of God the Father, to continue living on this earth, the only one we have, and remember the words of our profession of faith: " ... will come again to judge the living and the dead ... "

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    Mario Salieri Vidéo

    MESSAGE of December 2, 2010 Mirjana

    "Dear Children, here with you I pray that you find the strength to open your hearts and know well the enormous suffering love of God. Because of his love, kindness and gentleness I'm with you. I invite you to this special time of preparation is a time of prayer, penance and conversion. My children, you need God can not go on without my son. When you understand and accept this, you will realize what is promised. To be born through the Holy Spirit in your hearts the Kingdom of Heaven. I bring you this. Thank you. "